Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ups and Downs

You look at me for advice and you follow it.
I love the way that you look at me now.
We share so many interests, and hobbies.
The problem is, I'm falling for you again.
And I've been friend-zoned.


It's like my walls are growing.
And my floor is falling.
             I'm going down and no one will know.
            Just one wrong step and I will fall to no where.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I have never... Never! cried over someone. But now it's your fault and I can't stop it! I just hate all of this! I can't take this! I need something but I don't know what. This shit is ridiculous. and now I'm a fucking mess! all because of You!

So you're welcome. I hope you wanted this... I'm finally broken.
Nothing to say... except, I wish you could keep your fucking mouth shut...

The Best is Yet to Come

Siting here alone.
The rain hitting the windows
The darkness has come 
Now we are waiting for it to pass
This terrible feeling
Have I made the right choice
Of course I have
The sun is shining through already.
The rain slowing,
and a slight breeze of relief
sweeping past.

The worst is over...
The best is yet to come...

It's over...

It's over, you're free. I ended it, I'm taking my space and I'm getting over you. It's for the best. Until I can look at you without this feeling, it's for the best. I'm glad... It's Over...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


              You sit there at your computer and think up cute things to say about that girl. But you know what; the pain it causes me is unbearable. I show it to you everyday, but you never seem to see it. You practically look right through me anymore. I care for you so much, and now all I do is think about how happy you two must be together. It's not about me it's all about you, but I've just been thinking about how maybe she's not right. I deserved my chance but I never got it, because of our "friendship", and now I regret ever lying to you that night. I could have given you everything and more, and now I sit here and beat myself up. I didn't fight hard enough for you and I don't have the guts to tell you about my feelings now. It will get weird and you probably will pull away, because you can do better, but I can't. You are my only hopes, and my only dreams. I lost my chance and now that's all we will ever be. I need to stop this, I need to let you go. I'm hurting myself, and you've already moved on. 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My Depth is my Voice

My Peace is my Resistance

My Beliefs are my Hope

You are my Pain

But You are my Love

Forever and always my Sympatico

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I hear the screams
and the pain rushes in
you say you love each other
but you are liars
I don't know why you don't leave
Just walk away
hell run! I don't care
Just get away from me
before I snap
Before I let go
You are out of my heart
and definitely out of my dreams
Just go and I won't look back

I feel like I should understand...

We are almost best-friends... I feel like I should be OK with this and should understand... but I don't. I know that times get hard and nothing ever goes exactly how you want it, but I just can't stop thinking about it. I love you; I love you both as a friend and more... I told you, but you just weren't ready. But now you say you are. The problem you ask? O yes, that's right you're ready... just to be with someone else. I am perfect to you, we share interests, we are right. But you just don't see it. You thought it would mess with our friendship... but I am slowly peeling myself apart because I'm letting you get away. I know you deserve it. You deserve the best, you deserve love and happiness... I just wish it were with me... I know that I could give you everything, and more. I may never get that chance and that hurts the worst knowing that I could give you so much love and happiness, but that I have to keep it to myself. I don't quite know if you know that I'm in love with you but geeze I barely knew. But now I do know... and I also know that I can't do this much longer. I'm watching the person I love fall for someone else, and there is nothing I can do about it. I'm jealous and recklessly falling apart. But I don't tell you because I know your decision and I wan't you... NO I need you to be happy.... and right are.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


The feel of your breath as it runs down the crest of my neck
It feels almost like a soft breeze calming, relaxing
I feel it like I feel a warm bath on my tired body
It is slow, caressing me with tenderness
But that was a different day, and today is now
We must move past this insidious memory
Trusting only the little things we have left
We must remember our days as the only person we needed...